Last update, Sept. 2021 4-min read
| Introduction
You’ve just arrived in France to study and you need an electricity and/or gas supplier for your accommodation, right? You’ve come to the right place, we’ve summarised everything you need to know 😊
Two things to remember:
01 In France, it’s usually the tenant who must sign an electricity/gas contract when he moves into the dwelling. You can do this either by phone or online, on the website of the supplier you have selected.
02 There should not be a minimum commitment period: you may end your contract whenever you want. Of all suppliers, we recommend Vattenfall & we explain why below.

Our recommendation, Vattenfall
Founded in 1909 and 100% owned by the Swedish State
Carbon-neutral electricity
Vattenfall is one of the largest producers and retailers of electricity and heat in Europe: the company is established in 7 European countries (Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Finland and France) and has more than 14 million customers.
No obligation and no exit fees at any time 👍
Sign-up online
No commitment, no exit fees
French customer support
Price per kWh up to 10% cheaper than the Regulated Tariff